Join the Movement

Turn Eco-Anxiety into echoing action because actions speak louder than likes. Sign up now to be alerted on our first two campaign launches. In the first campaign, you can contribute a cool artwork or photograph of the African Big 5 to a boutique shoe brand that supports boots on the ground that protect African Wildlife, and your work could get featured on the next shoe they drop. In the second campaign, you will get to contribute to a unique animated short that, if picked by the brand, would give you the opportunity to visit the impact site in Colombia! Your participation will not only support an impact, but you will also be compensated if your design gets used. At Henoscene, we believe making a positive difference should be a win-win-win for all involved!

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Join us. The first 10,000 RSVPs will receive our Founder's Circle VIP Access NFT. Conditions apply.