Shift the narrative.
Shift the narrative.
"My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I have to try to make a difference." -- Jimmy Carter
Fauna spotlights wildlife conservation and restoration by protecting both animal species and the habitats on which they depend. Fauna encompasses all vertebrates and invertebrates, on land and in both salt and freshwater.
Flora champions conservation efforts of wild vegetation, i.e. botanical biodiversity. Flora encompasses all flowering & nonflowering, and evergreen and deciduous species, on land and in both salt and freshwater.
Soil & Land prevents or mitigates degradation to the earth. In turn, funding here protects natural resources, carbon sinks, microorganisms, fungi and watersheds. It also restores habitats for plants and wildlife, and improves productivity and fertility for agriculture.
Freshwater prevents or mitigates degradation to the freshwater ecosystems of earth. In turn, funding here protects natural resources, carbon sinks, microorganisms, fungi and watersheds. It also restores habitats for plants and wildlife, and improves productivity and fertility for agriculture.
Oceans promote marine stewardship through planned management of the biodiversity and resources found in seas and oceans. It prevents the over-exploitation of wild saltwater ecosystems.
Air, Sky & Space addresses everything from particulate emissions and dust bowls, to discerning space debris and pollution standards that affect visibility. This Impact Focus also combats contamination of air, sky and space through destructive anthropogenic activities.
Clean Water addresses the lack of safe, potable water for billions of people. Hygiene and adequate access to clean water helps prevent and contain diseases. A 40% shortfall in freshwater resources by 2030, coupled with a rising world population, threatens an imminent global water crisis. Help fight back now!
Waste & Sanitation advances the safe segregation and disposal of garbage & human waste, along with services that maintain hygienic conditions, such as garbage collection, industrial/hazardous waste management, and wastewater treatment & disposal.
Resource Management ensures ecosystem services are protected and maintained for future human generations. Funding here maintains ecosystem integrity through the consideration of ethical, economic, and scientific (ecological) externalities.
Cultural Equity empowers historically underrepresented, unique and collective cultures, based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, or religion. It preserves their religious and spiritual expression in public policies and spaces.
Social Equality dives into easing access to rights, responsibilities, resources and opportunities for all genders. This includes access to economic participation, decision-making, positions of authority, and the state of valuing a diversity of behaviours, aspirations and needs equally, irrespective of gender.
Economic Equity empowers access to welfare, wealth creation, job creation, fair housing, tax justice and a fair minimum wage. It also addresses longstanding racial and ethnic disparities to promote social and racial justice, sustainability, and democracy.
Hunger tackles the complex intersections between food security, nutrition, economic empowerment, rural transformation, and sustainable agriculture. Hunger is a compound crisis, caused by famines, inequitable food distribution, and climate change.
Education advocates for the overall development of people across the globe without access to great education: knowledge, skills, values, morals, habits, beliefs, intellect, behaviour and sensibility, including literacy, i.e. the ability to read and write.
Animal Welfare & Rights combats the abuse of animals by exploitative industries, people and the law. Funding directed here supports efforts that advocate for the agency and autonomy of animals in human care and in the wild. It ensures ethical guidelines and standards for their wellbeing.
Poverty Eradication is the ethical, social, political and economic imperative that addresses the alleviation of scarcity: from a lack of income, to the lack of access to opportunities, skills and productive resources that ensure sustainable livelihoods.
Smart Energy champions cost‐effective, decentralized, 100% renewables. Funding here finds sustainable solutions to secure energy production, storage, consumption and distribution to both energy carriers and directly to consumer communities.
Innovative Infrastructure aides networks and meets the needs of companies and other key organizational infrastructures. This includes everything from traditional networks like roads, bridges, transit, transportation, housing and more.
Mental Health provides care for the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of individuals and communities. Mental health is an everyday crisis caused by the erosion of self-care, and the inability to harness one’s own mind and inner awareness of externalities.
Public Health funding focuses on preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health, hygiene, and sanitation for individuals and communities. Support efforts to scale awareness and wellbeing through scientifically-informed, organized efforts.
Climate Action fosters the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-induced issues, including: climate-related hazards, migratory disruptions, mass deaths, and displaced peoples in all countries.
War & Conflict bolsters access to humanitarian aid (like food, medical supplies, etc.) for victims of conflict and funds the rebuilding of areas devastated by war. Funds here support organizations that tackle interlinked political, military, and social factors with diplomacy.
Arts & Humanities funds the preservation and promotion of artistic and cultural heritage. Utilising artistic and cultural excellence as a communication medium for the marginalised, funding for this focus ensures the continuity of artistic and cultural expression.
Pandemics combats, supports and assists organizations dedicated to the research, prevention, care development, and observation of infectious diseases epidemics that have the ability to spread across a large region.
Disaster Relief provides volunteers, aid, supplies and equipment in the wake of disasters both environmental and manmade. Funding here supports affected areas with housing, meals, tools, and organised work at no charge. Funds also offer relief to survivors and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to future emergencies.
Refugee Crisis addresses difficulties and dangerous situations in the reception of large groups of forcibly displaced persons in the context of climate change, war, and economic crisis. Funding here also supports economic opportunities for asylum seekers and migrants.
Access enables access to infrastructure: large-scale public systems, services, technologies, and facilities of a region or country that are required for commercial, economic and social activity for low-income households and communities.
Religious Charities seeks out dependable religious organisations engaged in charitable giving, and works to support these efforts. In the struggle for a better world, it is important to understand that faith is a powerful catalyst and conduit for inclusive change, and one that can combat both social and environmental degradation.
Policies & Treaties focuses on the creation and development of written standards for political parties and structures across the globe, to build more just systems for citizens and stakeholders. Funding here is directed toward yielding solutions and opening up conversations between the citizenry and leadership.
Crypto Projects supports efforts in the cryptocurrency space that are environmentally efficient and forward-thinking. Funding here funnels toward crypto projects aimed at helping those trapped in poverty create their own path to wealth creation.
Alliances embolden relationships among people, groups, institutions, brands or states that have joined together for mutual benefit. Funding here also seeks to establish such relationships where no explicit agreement yet exists, helping to build a global, interconnected web of support.
Cradle to Cradle promotes the design of products and systems that are cyclical and circular in their expression with a focus on waste recapture and assimilation. C2C is a biomimetic approach that models human industry on nature's processes, where materials are never discarded but repurposed safely by the framework or entity’s metabolism. These funds advance projects focused on regenerative design.
Agriculture provides allocations toward regenerative agricultural practices that prevent land degradation & deforestation, promote efficient water management, and biodiversity preservation. Deep focus on creating self sustaining, resilient horticultural initiatives that rely on renewable infrastructure projects that ensure community self reliance. These funds aim to build safeguards against food insecurity for people inhabiting areas affected by climate change and resource scarcity.
High Seas allocates support toward the open waters of the ocean and sea that are beyond the jurisdiction limits of any one country. Only 1% of these waters are presently under protection. This endangers marine wildlife living in these areas as they are at risk of exploitation from threats including climate change, overfishing, and shipping traffic.
End Human Trafficking Combats the illegal exploitation of individuals, often through forced labor or sexual exploitation, resulting in severe physical and psychological harm to victims. These funds are disbursed to 1. support victims: with shelter, legal aid, counseling, and vocational training, and 2. combat the crisis: with awareness campaigns, busts, prevention methods, and law enforcement initiatives.
Genocide Prevention supports proactive sustained actions to avert the likelihood of future incidents by fostering a strong and diverse civil society and a pluralistic media. Funding is also directed toward providing shelter, food, healthcare, and trauma counseling, while also supporting efforts to promote justice and accountability for the perpetrators through international tribunals and legal mechanisms.
Abolition emboldens measures that act against contemporary forms of human exploitation and bondage, which include forced labor, human trafficking, debt bondage, and child labor. Funds make possible essential support, such as shelter, healthcare, legal assistance, and vocational training, allowing survivors to break free from the cycle of exploitation and rebuild their lives with dignity and autonomy.
War Crimes Relief Aids victims of egregious violations of international humanitarian law committed during armed conflicts, that lead to immense suffering, loss of life, and destruction for individuals. This wallet funds comprehensive programs aiming to deter future atrocities by holding perpetrators accountable through international justice mechanisms that promote justice and reconciliation.
Mass Violence Recovery offers a funding stream for nonprofits providing assistance, compensation, and timely relief to community members and victims of disasters such as shootings, and acts of terrorism, that occur without warning, anywhere.
Anti- Corruption & Bribery Allocates monetary resources to bring companies, nonprofits, and other concerned stakeholders together to tackle shared problems of corruption and raise standards of public and private sector integrity. Initiatives enhance economic growth, bolster sustainable development, stabilize governments, promote democracy, and close conduits for dangerous groups such as criminals, traffickers, and terrorists.
Decolonize Conservation empowers tribal peoples and indigenous communities to have secure land rights, and the authority to manage, protect and coexist with the biodiversity and resources in their jurisdiction without external intervention. Funds advance traditional ecological and economic knowledge and wisdom, to perpetuate models of mutual interdependence rather than mutual exclusivity.
Repatriation of Antiquities helps NGOs focused on the temporary or permanent restitution of ancient, heritage artifacts to their country of origin or the return of cultural property, such as looted art, to their true owners (and/or their heirs) as a way to right the wrongs of the past.
Carbon Negative funds the reduction or removal of more emissions of carbon dioxide and or other greenhouse gasses than currently produced, through carbon sequestration initiatives, reforestation programs, and the preservation of carbon sinks and methane reserves.
Energy Neutral counteracts the negative impacts of dirty energy, and promotes renewable energy offsets such as wind power, solar power, hydroelectric power and biofuel, through RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates). Fund infrastructure and design environments that embrace low energy consumption practices or generate as much energy as they use, in all stages of planning and production.
Water Positive dispenses funds to tangible solutions that facilitate new developments, and reduce water waste and supply, demand & infrastructure costs. Focus includes systems such as rainwater harvesting and the development of water-saving mechanisms and water efficient design solutions.
Zero Waste encourages redesigning resource life cycles so that all products embrace the five Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Rot. Projects funded advocate solutions that avoid sending trash to landfills, incinerators, oceans, or any other part of the environment.
Be The Change
“Henoscene may be online
and behind a screen, but it translates the virtual –
the actions you take,
the purchases you make
the positions you stake
– into relevant, verifiable, positive, real-world change.”

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