General FAQs

  • Is Henoscene an Ad agency or marketing firm?

    No we are not an ad agency nor a marketing firm. We are a nominally priced, blockchain driven, consumer interactive, platform that reimagines Corporate Social Responsibility as active impact campaigns that build trust and transparency.

    Henoscene invites brands and their ecosystem of stakeholders to launch social, cultural, economic, political and/or environmental campaigns that can engage consumers in real time.

  • Does Henoscene offer consultancy services?

    The Henoscene team does offer consultancy services to brands and nonprofits, to help them design, implement, and evaluate their impact initiatives as effective campaigns. This can include providing expert advice, conducting impact campaign assessments, and offering recommendations for improvement. These services can be charged on a project basis or through retainer contracts. Reach out to us directly.

  • Why does the platform use blockchain?

    Blockchain ensures a landscape of real time trust and transparency. The framework creates an immutable record of all content on Henoscene and ensures the information registered cannot be changed without majority consensus. Such a decentralised and distributive database keeps brands from lying, back peddling, and scrubbing unflattering data insights about their impact commitments and activity footprints. Not to worry, we have built our application on a Layer 2 Proof-Of-Stake blockchain called Polygon, so we are energy efficient. We also only use blockchain when it is indispensable to ensuring transparency and accountability. In the words of Confucius, “Do not use canon to kill a mosquito.”

  • Why did the founder give rise to this solution?

    Asher Jay has worked extensively with corporate social responsibility, mass media ESG campaigns, and impact-enabling immersive design experiences. Her domain expertise is in disruptive and innovative public outreach around CSR and ESG that generate qualitative and quantitative metrics & analytics into impact outcomes. Jay’s past experience in running impact campaigns with brands and nonprofits drove her to coin Henoscene, as she perceived a distinct lack of accountability, transparency and sustained engagement in the impact outcomes. Jay built Henoscene to combat Purpose-washing and Greenwashing.

  • When does the platform launch?

    We were meant to launch on the TED stage in the fall of 2023 with two unique campaigns that advocate for two extraordinary causes. In the 100+ Accelerator we’ve been working with AB InBev and one of their brands, Zalva, a drinking water company based in Colombia. Zalva’s mission is to protect a unique alpine ecosystem in the country, and they do so by preserving 1 Square meter of the ecosystem every time a consumer purchases their product. We look forward to onboarding their campaign on our platform. Sign up so you can participate!

  • What's the difference between IncOperate and Henoscene?

    As explained in our company page, IncOperate Inc. is the legal holding entity for the Henoscene is a trademarked brand and a technological product. Henoscene is a Software as a Service blockchain based application that offers a suite of tools and impact accountability infrastructure. IncOperate is who deals with the lawyers, the investors, the admin, the logistics, the payments and payroll. SAT analogy framing: Alphabet : Google :: IncOperate : Henoscene. If you wanted to invest in our effort, or partner with us, you would have to work with the C-Corp IncOperate, not Henoscene.

  • How does Henoscene make money?

    Subscription Fees: Generate revenue through subscription fees charged to brands and nonprofits for using the Henoscene platform.

    Licensing Fees: Explore opportunities to license the Henoscene technology to other SaaS providers or industries.

    Transaction fees: Henoscene earns transaction fees on donations and funding raised through its platform for brand-led CSR projects.

  • Does the platform only cater to big brands now?

    No. Henoscene aims to level the playing field between large brands and small brands, so the latter can garner greater visibility, not based on marketing spend rather based on the level of transparency and accountability toward impacts realised on the platform relative to the scale of the brand operations. We have created fun, gamified ways for small brands to punch above their weight class.

  • What are Henoscene's key benefits?

    1. The Henoscene platform leverages Blockchain technology for transparency and trust.

    2. Smart contracts and utility NFTs for real-time insights and accountability.

    3. Standardised metrics, deliverables, and KPIs for impact initiatives.

    4. Clear interface and registry for outcome clarification and sustained engagement.

    5. Interactive campaigns to engage stakeholders and raise awareness and funding for CSR projects.

 Brand FAQs

  • While your current efforts are commendable, partnering with Henoscene can augment and amplify the impact of your CSR initiatives and cause marketing campaigns. Our platform provides you with a comprehensive and streamlined infrastructure, enabling you to effectively communicate and execute your purpose-driven projects. Henoscene's blockchain integration ensures transparency and accountability, enhancing the credibility of your initiatives to both end consumers and stakeholders. Additionally, our real-time insights enable you to optimise and maximise the social and environmental impact of your campaigns, creating lasting legacies of positive change that align with your brand values.

  • Henoscene is the first application in this space to bring real-time, end-to-end transparency and accountability to CSR campaigns and projects. The platform differentiates itself in three key ways. Firstly, our blockchain-integrated application ensures transparency, accountability, and trust, making your CSR initiatives and cause marketing campaigns more credible and impactful. Secondly, our real-time insights enable you to measure and optimize the social and environmental impact of your projects, ensuring maximum value and effectiveness. Finally, Henoscene goes beyond just technology; our team of dedicated experts will provide ongoing support and guidance to help you navigate the complexities of CSR and cause marketing, ensuring your brand creates lasting legacies of positive change.

  • Henoscene not only focuses on maximising social and environmental impact, but also understands the importance of ROI for your brand. Our platform provides real-time insights, allowing you to measure and track the impact of your brand’s CSR initiatives and cause marketing campaigns. By leveraging these insights, a brand can make informed decisions to optimise its investments and drive greater ROI. Brands can also utilise Henoscene’s infrastructure to compare multiple campaigns at once, and pay forward lessons learned from all of their CSR projects. Additionally, Henoscene's transparent and credible communication tools help to build trust with your brand’s customers and stakeholders, creating loyal and engaged brand advocates who are more likely to contribute to your bottom line.

  • We understand the concerns around security and privacy. Henoscene takes these concerns seriously and has implemented stringent security measures to protect your data. Refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

    Our blockchain integration enhances data protection, ensuring the immutability and integrity of information related to your CSR projects and cause marketing campaigns. With our platform, you can trust that your data is secured and accessible only to authorised stakeholders, strengthening your brand's credibility and transparency.

  • Henoscene understands the importance of seamless integration with your existing systems. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your unique requirements and design a customised implementation process that minimises disruptions. We provide comprehensive support throughout the implementation phase and offer integration options that align with your systems and workflows. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition and make the adoption of Henoscene as effortless as possible for your brand.

  • Henoscene is specifically designed to support purpose-driven brands like yours, regardless of size or resources. Our platform provides you with the necessary tools and infrastructure to easily communicate and execute impactful CSR projects and cause marketing campaigns. We simplify the process and provide step-by-step guidance, ensuring that even small businesses can effectively contribute to positive change.

  • Henoscene's blockchain-integrated application ensures transparency, accountability, and real-time insights into your CSR initiatives. With our platform, you can demonstrate to your end consumers and stakeholders the authenticity and credibility of your sustainability efforts. By promoting transparency, you build trust and create a positive reputation for your brand, enhancing your overall credibility in the market.

  • Investing in Henoscene is an opportunity to maximize your social and environmental impact, even as a small business. By leveraging our platform, you can effectively communicate your purpose-driven initiatives, attracting like-minded consumers and stakeholders who value sustainability. This can lead to increased brand loyalty, customer engagement, and ultimately, growth. We offer different pricing options, tailored to the specific needs and budgets of small businesses, ensuring that the cost and effort are justified by the benefits and potential for long-term success. Lastly our platform is gamified to bring visibility to businesses based on the amount invested in relation to their scale of operations and level of success and traction achieved by their campaigns. This allows small brands to punch well above their weight class on a level playing field.

  • Henoscene is designed to seamlessly integrate into your existing operations, minimising disruption and simplifying the transition. Our team provides comprehensive onboarding support, ensuring a smooth implementation process. We understand the unique challenges faced by small businesses and prioritise user-friendly interface and straightforward integration procedures. Our goal is to empower your brand with the tools and infrastructure needed without creating unnecessary complexity.

  • Henoscene is built for purpose-driven brands, and we understand that preserving your brand values and image is crucial. Our platform is customisable to align with the unique voice and branding of each business. We work closely with you to ensure that the communication and execution of CSR projects and cause marketing campaigns are consistent with your brand identity. Using Henoscene allows you to amplify your positive impact while retaining your brand's integrity, ultimately enhancing your overall image and reputation.

 Consumer FAQs

  • The blockchain we have built Henoscene on is called Polygon, a Layer 2, Proof Of Stake Chain (PoSC) consensus protocol that is immensely energy efficient. “The Merge” an event that merged the Ethereum Mainnet with the Beacon Chain is responsible for cancelling out 99.91% of Polygon's network carbon emissions, reducing the annual total to just 56.22 tCO2e, making Polygon one of greenest chains in Web3.

    Polygon blockchain is energy efficient and sustainable post the merge due to several reasons. Firstly, it utilises a modified version of the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, known as the Proof of Stake Chain (PoSC), which consumes significantly less energy compared to the energy-intensive Proof of Work (PoW) algorithms used by other blockchains. Moreover, Polygon's PoSC allows for faster transaction confirmations, reducing the energy required for consensus. Additionally, by leveraging Layer 2 scaling solutions, Polygon reduces the load on the main chain and decreases transaction fees, resulting in overall energy savings. These factors combined make Polygon blockchain an environmentally-friendly and sustainable choice for decentralised and hybrid-infrastructure applications. Henoscene is a hybrid-infrastructure solution.

  • At Henoscene, we understand the importance of credibility and authenticity when it comes to CSR projects. That's why our platform is built with blockchain integration, ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage. Our platform helps you track every dollar’s movement from start to finish, and our suite of tools ensure that brands and nonprofits either check in with updates or get flagged for not being proactively engaged.

    By leveraging blockchain technology, we can provide real-time insights and data on the progress and impact of each project. This allows for complete transparency, enabling conscious consumers and content creators to see the actual results and know that their support is making a difference.

  • We understand the concern about mismanagement of funds, and that's why we have implemented stringent financial controls and processes within Henoscene that prioritise transparency into both money flow and ‘use of funds’ on the platform. All funds donated by our supporters are distributed in real time through smart contracts, and adhere to the terms of sale set by the brand. Anyone can look at the blockchain ledger to discern proper allocation and utilisation of all funds deployed through our interface. Our blockchain ledger provides a transparent record of all transactions, allowing for full financial traceability. Rest assured, we prioritise accountability and ensure that every dollar donated goes towards the intended purpose.

  • We recognise the importance of alignment between content creators and the impact campaigns we run on Henoscene. Before collaborating, we thoroughly vet each CSR project to ensure it aligns with our core values and those of our community. We aim to empower purpose-driven brands and their passionate impact partners disclose their credible initiatives with meaningful calls to action that will result in tangible, positive change. Furthermore, as content creators the choice to participate at your discretion allows you to cherry pick the campaigns you would feel most comfortable being featured by and associated with.

    If you are a creator, expert, icon, or ambassador chosen by the brand and or Henoscene to be the curator, i.e. Maestro of an impact campaign, then you will be actively involved in the project planning and execution process. This will allow you to have a clear understanding of and say on how your participation is likely to result in specific deliverables being realised and how that will give back to the impact project. Knowing how the campaign is going to engage your abilities will ensure you are able to keep your reputation intact.

  • At Henoscene, we believe in going beyond just providing a platform. We offer comprehensive support to purpose-driven brands, helping them transform their CSR goals into reality. From project ideation and planning to execution and measurement, our team of experts work closely with brands to guide them at every step. We provide strategic consultation, leveraging our experience and expertise to ensure impactful and successful campaigns. With Henoscene, brands have a partner dedicated to helping them maximise their social and environmental impact and create lasting legacies of positive change.

  • Henoscene understands the skepticism surrounding CSR initiatives, which is why we have developed a blockchain-integrated application that ensures transparency and accountability. Our platform tracks and verifies the impact of each CSR project, providing real-time insights into progress and outcomes. With this level of transparency, brands can demonstrate the tangible results of their initiatives, building trust among consumers and stakeholders.

  • We acknowledge that some companies may use CSR initiatives as mere marketing tactics, and care more about the PR they generate than the projects they realise. However, Henoscene's platform is specifically designed for purpose-driven brands that genuinely care about creating a positive change in society and the environment. We thoroughly vet the brands we work with to ensure their commitment aligns with the core values of our platform. Additionally, the transparency provided by our blockchain integration enables consumers and stakeholders to hold brands accountable for their CSR efforts. Your constructive feedback in the form of submissions, reviews and comments helps the entire community co-evolve how we work together to co-create critically needed real-world impacts.

  • Henoscene understands the potential risks that come with public engagement in CSR. In such cases, our platform's real-time insights and data analytics can serve as a valuable resource for brands to address concerns and respond proactively to criticism. By maintaining transparency and open communication, brands can use Henoscene's platform to engage with stakeholders, share their progress, and demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement. Ultimately, the goal is to learn from any criticism and evolve their CSR strategies to have an even greater positive impact. It is not about perfection, rather progress.

  • Henoscene strongly believes in the power of long-term, sustainable impact. Our platform is designed to enable brands to not only execute CSR projects but also measure the long-term effects of their initiatives. By providing real-time insights and data-driven analytics, our platform ensures that brands can adapt their strategies and continuously improve their impact. With this approach, brands can create meaningful and lasting legacies of positive change.

  • Henoscene's platform includes robust tracking and reporting mechanisms, which enable brands to monitor the allocation and usage of funds throughout the entire project lifecycle. By leveraging blockchain technology, we ensure that all transactions are transparent and immutable, minimising the risk of mismanagement or misallocation. This level of accountability empowers brands to maximise the efficiency of their CSR budgets and demonstrate their responsible use of funds.

  • While it is true that there are existing platforms for brands to communicate their impact commitments and initiatives, Henoscene offers a unique value proposition. Our platform not only empowers brands to communicate their initiatives, but also provides the necessary tools and infrastructure to effectively execute impactful projects and outreach campaigns. By integrating blockchain technology, we ensure transparency, accountability, and real-time insights into the progress and impact of these initiatives. This level of transparency and accountability is crucial in building trust with end consumers and stakeholders. Henoscene goes beyond simply communication, to help brands maximise their social and environmental impact, creating lasting legacies of positive change.

  • While blockchain technology may not be necessary for every aspect of CSR initiatives, its integration into the Henoscene platform brings several crucial benefits. Firstly, it ensures transparency by providing an immutable and auditable record of every stage of the project, from inception to completion. This transparency helps to build trust among stakeholders and end consumers. Secondly, blockchain technology and its issuance of NFTs on smart contracts enables Henoscene to perform real-time tracking and reporting of the impact of these initiatives, providing brands with valuable insights and data to enhance their decision-making process. Lastly, the use of blockchain technology helps to eliminate inefficiencies and reduce costs associated with traditional systems, ultimately maximising the resources available for the CSR projects. In the words of Confucius, “Do not use canon to kill a mosquito.” In summary, the integration of blockchain technology in Henoscene brings transparency, real-time insights, and cost-efficiency to CSR initiatives, making them more effective and impactful.

  • Henoscene is designed to address this very concern. Our platform goes beyond superficial CSR communication and ensures that brands using our services are genuinely committed to making a positive impact. Through our vetting process, we verify the authenticity and credibility of each brand's CSR initiatives. Furthermore, by integrating blockchain technology, we provide transparent and immutable records of each initiative, ensuring that the commitments made by brands are upheld. This level of transparency and accountability helps to differentiate genuine purpose-driven brands from those using CSR as a mere marketing gimmick.

    With Henoscene, brands can demonstrate their commitment to CSR in a credible and impactful manner, building trust and fostering long-term relationships with their stakeholders and end consumers.

Non-Profit FAQs

  • Henoscene's platform is specifically designed to empower purpose-driven brands with advanced tools and infrastructure. While it's great that you already have your own platform, Henoscene can enhance and complement your existing efforts by providing blockchain-integrated technology that ensures transparency, accountability, and real-time insights. This additional level of transparency and accountability can help you maximise your brand's impact and engage your end consumers and stakeholders more effectively.

  • We understand that implementing a new platform can be a significant investment. However, Henoscene's platform is designed to be user-friendly and easy to integrate with existing systems. Our team will provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition. Additionally, Henoscene's platform offers scalable pricing options to accommodate organisations of all sizes, allowing you to start small and expand as you see the value and impact it generates.

  • Blockchain integration is a key feature of Henoscene's platform, providing unparalleled transparency and accountability. By utilising blockchain, Henoscene ensures that every action, donation, and project executed through the platform is immutable and transparent, building trust among your end consumers and stakeholders. The real-time insights generated by our platform will enable you to optimise your CSR strategies and campaigns, ensuring your brand creates lasting legacies of positive change. Numerous studies have shown that transparency and accountability are crucial factors in consumer decision-making, making Henoscene's blockchain integration a powerful tool for enhancing brand reputation and driving customer loyalty.

  • Henoscene's platform is designed to be compatible with international nonprofit partners. We have a network of verified and trusted nonprofits across different regions, ensuring that your brand can collaborate seamlessly with them. Additionally, our platform's functionalities have been tailored bearing in mind the need to accommodate diverse cultural, regional and legal requirements, which makes it a flexible and globally applicable solution. Our team is global, and thus we have feelers on the ground to ensure we are locally compliant in each impact site. We will work closely with your team and your nonprofit partners to ensure smooth integration and alignment of objectives across borders.